Thursday, July 3, 2008

This morning it was fourth of July! We introduced the beautiful American flag to our little American babyfirst thing!! I fell in love with this mini kitchen at the childrens museum...every little girl would have one at their house in my perfect world...I mean this thing had a mini everything...washer...dryer....ironing board....little girls should know that these duties will one day be a like HUGE part of their one ever told would take the edge off the shock...if we knew everything we had to do to take care of men!
Harris Jenne giving a hot little Caroline a ride in his red, fast the museum.....
We went to the Creative Discovery Children's museum with a few babies this past cute I thought maybe Caroline would be too young...but she loved it...they had these cute little apron...she was indeed fasincated....
One day when I become a blog expert I will learn how to turn these pics the correct way.....but for now just tilt your head to see Caroline's friend he not ADORABLE!!!!
Jonathan and Caroline...Wells and Heath with there one year olds!!
Mommy helping my little cowgirl..she is perfect....but I did tell her she was really a Texan!! (just a wee bit lie ;)
Caroline and I went over to the Conn's a few nights before the Hammond's left for China with the entire family to go get another little girl! I thought this pic was so sweet of Ella Hammond practicing to be a big sister...what a precious sister she will be to sweet Lia! I love this kid...she's really smart....I asked her if she was excited about to to China to get her new SISSY (of course in my best Texas slang...) yeah...well...she quickly corrected me and told me she was getting a SISTER not a sissy...way to go...we probably should all stop the baby talk to our kids and let them learn how to speak properly....I just found her a total hoot!!
So this is Caroline on her first pony ride at Wells Murray Grisham's First Birthday Party...yeah...only Danny Murray would buy his grandson....a pony...gotta love it...Danny does it right...So Well's is of Caroline's buddies...the party spectacular..of course...the pony cool...but all angel wanted was a ballon...could keep her away from them!
Totally loving this birthday cake thing!!
Our friend Steve is playing at Vanderbilt...we had a blast going to a scrimmage in Nashville
Dig'en in!
New Wagon from Gigi and Papy
Walking the greenway with my buddies...Kelianne,Jackson,me and AJ!!

All ready for church on my birthday!
Checkingout the party scene!
My mimi bought me a beautiful pink pony!!

It's my birthday morning...crawling around waiting on daddy to make me my favorite Areatha Frankenstein pancakes!!! Only Caroline's mommy would make her wear a bow on her birthday...ohwell she will thank me one day when her pics are so cute!!
Yummy....Caroline loves pancakes!!

Caroline wearing her very first live vest for a day on the Tennessee River at the Cabin..and of course wanting everyone to walk her around...why walk when others will help you is her motto!!
I have avoided my space and facebook...but this blog thing is so cool...I have finally given in!! I want to show my precious family to all those we love!! So...June was a busy month for the Cantrell's!! Here are some pics from our trip to Chicago for the DiJulio/LaMagna wedding! Caroline had her first cupcake in the windy city...first trip to nike town...and ported in the rain with her niftey mcclaren rain shield!! This is the begining of blogging for me...however.....I cant type long because my darling daughter has torn off my space bar which makes typing a until my computer guy comes to replace the keyboard...enjoy the pics of our family!!
First visit to nike town...of course daddy had to buy her that ball...that and an outfit!!
so cute crusin the mag mile in her stroller!After the wedding Jonathan and I headed to Pops our favorite Champagne Bar for a bottle of bubbly !
My lil cupcake eating at cupcake in theWindy City!