I have avoided my space and facebook...but this blog thing is so cool...I have finally given in!! I want to show my precious family to all those we love!! So...June was a busy month for the Cantrell's!! Here are some pics from our trip to Chicago for the DiJulio/LaMagna wedding! Caroline had her first cupcake in the windy city...first trip to nike town...and ported in the rain with her niftey mcclaren rain shield!! This is the begining of blogging for me...however.....I cant type long because my darling daughter has torn off my space bar which makes typing a disaster...so until my computer guy comes to replace the keyboard...enjoy the pics of our family!!

First visit to nike town...of course daddy had to buy her that ball...that hat....shoes and an outfit!!

so cute crusin the mag mile in her stroller!

After the wedding Jonathan and I headed to Pops our favorite Champagne Bar for a bottle of bubbly !

My lil cupcake eating at cupcake in theWindy City!