Thursday, May 7, 2009
Woa.....its way too early on a Thursday morning for me to be up....Cant help son that is in utero is kicking away and reminding me that in 8 short weeks he will be and up when he wants to. I said last time I was preggers this is God's way of getting your body ready for no sleep. But, the good news is....I feel fantastic! This little guy has been so much easier on me than Caroline Sophia was. So, I'm good to go and stoked about meeting Caldwell MaGee Cantrell.
So the Cantrell Fam is doing wel...BUSY BUSY BUSY!!! Last night my husband came home from a meeting around 9pm he found me laying in our bed with our almost 2 year old....she was rolling around laughing like she is not the least bit tired and I was bawling my eyes out.....I really dont know what wrong with me......I mean seriously what do I have to be sad about....I have a gorgeous little girl, a son on the way, my dream man, I'm about to move into my dream home...its a pretty cool time in my life and I cry all the time. Well, I asked God to show me and He reminded me of my hormones. Pregnancy does crazy things to your I'll take that . On the other hand I am totally overwhelmed with project (and they are all my own fault). First the new house which is a big deal.....lots of things to pick out as we get closer to the end.....I love it but you want to be certain you are making the right decisions. So, each day I do something that gets me closer to the dream home..ha! I always said I love to entertain and throw parties...well I like to plan one at a time not more than one....well Monday I am in charge of the Junior Aux spring party for 100, servers, flowers, linens, entertainment the whole shabang, then I move to my good girlfriend Jess Stone's bridal luncheon on Lookout Mt. at our Club Fairyland......once again the whole shabang....then there is a shower for me at the Thompsons, then a china and tools shower for our friends Courtney and charge of the whole thing....then bless heart my child will be two and I only did a family party last year and promised myself I would do a great party this year.....I just dont know if I have the energy??? Will she remember that she got another family party with only a few gifts? Is that so bad of me to put all the other people ahead of my angel? Not sure what I am going to to do? Suggestions anyone?
So my builder Greg Calfee (who is fab by the way) says the house will be fininshed the last week of June...conveinant huh....they same week Caldwell will make his entrance into the world? Yeah...pretty sure the new house will stay empty till I can get my energy back to move it. But, its turing out GORGEOUS and I feel really blessed and cant wait to live there.
April was a fun month with easter egg hunts, the cotillion spring dinner , a fab bunko baby shower and a mother daughter spa trip to ATL with Luanne and Molly and our was a full month....Ive been trying to enjoy my little trips away...they are few and far between when you are nursing a I'm taking them all now!
Going to post some pics of the pasts months of events....sorry its been a while bloggers.....facebook gets me sidetracked and I wont event think about going towards twittering.....cant go there Ill get obessesed! love all of you...want to hear from some of you!
So the Cantrell Fam is doing wel...BUSY BUSY BUSY!!! Last night my husband came home from a meeting around 9pm he found me laying in our bed with our almost 2 year old....she was rolling around laughing like she is not the least bit tired and I was bawling my eyes out.....I really dont know what wrong with me......I mean seriously what do I have to be sad about....I have a gorgeous little girl, a son on the way, my dream man, I'm about to move into my dream home...its a pretty cool time in my life and I cry all the time. Well, I asked God to show me and He reminded me of my hormones. Pregnancy does crazy things to your I'll take that . On the other hand I am totally overwhelmed with project (and they are all my own fault). First the new house which is a big deal.....lots of things to pick out as we get closer to the end.....I love it but you want to be certain you are making the right decisions. So, each day I do something that gets me closer to the dream home..ha! I always said I love to entertain and throw parties...well I like to plan one at a time not more than one....well Monday I am in charge of the Junior Aux spring party for 100, servers, flowers, linens, entertainment the whole shabang, then I move to my good girlfriend Jess Stone's bridal luncheon on Lookout Mt. at our Club Fairyland......once again the whole shabang....then there is a shower for me at the Thompsons, then a china and tools shower for our friends Courtney and charge of the whole thing....then bless heart my child will be two and I only did a family party last year and promised myself I would do a great party this year.....I just dont know if I have the energy??? Will she remember that she got another family party with only a few gifts? Is that so bad of me to put all the other people ahead of my angel? Not sure what I am going to to do? Suggestions anyone?
So my builder Greg Calfee (who is fab by the way) says the house will be fininshed the last week of June...conveinant huh....they same week Caldwell will make his entrance into the world? Yeah...pretty sure the new house will stay empty till I can get my energy back to move it. But, its turing out GORGEOUS and I feel really blessed and cant wait to live there.
April was a fun month with easter egg hunts, the cotillion spring dinner , a fab bunko baby shower and a mother daughter spa trip to ATL with Luanne and Molly and our was a full month....Ive been trying to enjoy my little trips away...they are few and far between when you are nursing a I'm taking them all now!
Going to post some pics of the pasts months of events....sorry its been a while bloggers.....facebook gets me sidetracked and I wont event think about going towards twittering.....cant go there Ill get obessesed! love all of you...want to hear from some of you!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
This weekend was one of those gorgeous weekends, gogeous weather...gorgeous everything....You would think after all our events I would be too tired to be blogging so late at night (its 1:12am right now) but for some reason.....prob the Easter candy I have been eating that I need to throw aways....I'm wired!!!! ahhh!!! So Friday night we met our dear friends Becca and Andy Lay at Slice of Roma for Pizza....its so sweet to see our little Caroline and there AJ play together...they had a ball roaming around the restaurant! Caroline kept calling him JJ and kissing him on the lips....boy I may have to nip this one in the bud one day! It was such a nice night that after all the pizza I consumed we headed off to Baskin Robbins where the babies delighted in some yummy cream.....then home...bath and bed for the little angel....and mom and dad too......
Saturday morning we headed off to my parents neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. Last year Caroline was only like 10 months not walking and totally didnt get it...this year was another story...I showed her how to score and egg and about 5 seconds she had it down...15 eggs later....she won the to come!
Saturday afternoon I headed to Posh nails to have a mani and pedi...this place is great....very very nice for these parts and totally up my alley.....I was able to sit next to Rachel H...another preggers gal..who looks every bit like a rested beautiful would never know this chick will be having her 4th baby!! I am amazed by her! So we talked babies, and all sorts of fun made my pedi even more fun! Then off to target to finishe filling Caroline's Ester basket and prepare for our play group hunt that Caroline and Wells Grisham are hosting this week.....Then it was off to the Hopewell Spring Fling.....Hopewell is J's alma mater....if you can have one for elementary....Caroline had a ball...loved the jumpy things, loved the ring toss..loved it was fun to see her interact with big kids...I swear this kids is a 7 year old in a baby body. After that I had exactly one hour to prepare for a black tie engagement party at Janie and Allen Jones new MANSION and I mean MANSION for our dear friends Dr. Paul and Sheryl Bacon's daughter Laure and her man Chad. The party was so nice and Lauren and Chad are a steller couple...God has a very special plan for both of them. The house however...was INCREDIBLE.....I am from a BIG city with a ALOT of $$ and I have been in some very very very fine homes....but I HAVE NEVER seen what I saw last night...WOA!!!!!! 50,000 sq feet of pure elegance and total jaw dropping detail.....amazing...amazing...amazing....I cant even say anything else about it cause I am still processing it.....I have a great sense of direction and I was LOST in this house......
This morning we headed off to Chatty to go to Rock Point Community Church.....Andy Stanley is doing a series on "Playing God"it has captivated me and changed my was a good one and the worship rocked! We decided to try a new brunch place with Caroline in tow. I had always heard about this little hippy chic place called Areatha Frankensteins on Treemont St in N Chatty....well the food was really good but the service was baaadddd......I think they just have a we will get it to when we want to and you will love it...which is true but not fun with a 22 month old that has things to see and people to meet.
I came home, prepared for a week of meetings for the Egg Hunt, the decorator for the new house, the drapery girl for the new house, did my Ester study homework and helped my friend Jess Stone with some wedding stuff. J took Caroline to the park..I met them there and we played very hard for another hour...grabbed some dinner and headed home for bath and bed. I need to be getting my rest.....but I just somehow feel very overwhelmed and blessed by my life today.......This is a boring blog about my day.....but for a few mins I get to go up and kiss my baby night night and listen to her breath and then crawl into bed with the most fantastic man I know and carry a new life that will be here soon....God is so incredibly faithful and can I ask for more? Love to all my fellow bloggers and readers.....remember is the small things that God gives us to remind us of His mercy and favor for our lives.....
Saturday morning we headed off to my parents neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. Last year Caroline was only like 10 months not walking and totally didnt get it...this year was another story...I showed her how to score and egg and about 5 seconds she had it down...15 eggs later....she won the to come!
Saturday afternoon I headed to Posh nails to have a mani and pedi...this place is great....very very nice for these parts and totally up my alley.....I was able to sit next to Rachel H...another preggers gal..who looks every bit like a rested beautiful would never know this chick will be having her 4th baby!! I am amazed by her! So we talked babies, and all sorts of fun made my pedi even more fun! Then off to target to finishe filling Caroline's Ester basket and prepare for our play group hunt that Caroline and Wells Grisham are hosting this week.....Then it was off to the Hopewell Spring Fling.....Hopewell is J's alma mater....if you can have one for elementary....Caroline had a ball...loved the jumpy things, loved the ring toss..loved it was fun to see her interact with big kids...I swear this kids is a 7 year old in a baby body. After that I had exactly one hour to prepare for a black tie engagement party at Janie and Allen Jones new MANSION and I mean MANSION for our dear friends Dr. Paul and Sheryl Bacon's daughter Laure and her man Chad. The party was so nice and Lauren and Chad are a steller couple...God has a very special plan for both of them. The house however...was INCREDIBLE.....I am from a BIG city with a ALOT of $$ and I have been in some very very very fine homes....but I HAVE NEVER seen what I saw last night...WOA!!!!!! 50,000 sq feet of pure elegance and total jaw dropping detail.....amazing...amazing...amazing....I cant even say anything else about it cause I am still processing it.....I have a great sense of direction and I was LOST in this house......
This morning we headed off to Chatty to go to Rock Point Community Church.....Andy Stanley is doing a series on "Playing God"it has captivated me and changed my was a good one and the worship rocked! We decided to try a new brunch place with Caroline in tow. I had always heard about this little hippy chic place called Areatha Frankensteins on Treemont St in N Chatty....well the food was really good but the service was baaadddd......I think they just have a we will get it to when we want to and you will love it...which is true but not fun with a 22 month old that has things to see and people to meet.
I came home, prepared for a week of meetings for the Egg Hunt, the decorator for the new house, the drapery girl for the new house, did my Ester study homework and helped my friend Jess Stone with some wedding stuff. J took Caroline to the park..I met them there and we played very hard for another hour...grabbed some dinner and headed home for bath and bed. I need to be getting my rest.....but I just somehow feel very overwhelmed and blessed by my life today.......This is a boring blog about my day.....but for a few mins I get to go up and kiss my baby night night and listen to her breath and then crawl into bed with the most fantastic man I know and carry a new life that will be here soon....God is so incredibly faithful and can I ask for more? Love to all my fellow bloggers and readers.....remember is the small things that God gives us to remind us of His mercy and favor for our lives.....

New York In the Spring.............
So on a total fun, adorable, young me under the table parents offered to take Jonathan and I to NYC for a 5 day trip. We go to NYC a few times a year...a city I love to visit but could probably never live in.. I am amazed by the culuture, the food, the shopping and totally in awe of the price of realesate, the inconviant way to live with a baby and the pressures of having to be designer looking. No thank you I will eat my face off, shop my heart out soak up the culture and come home! Home to a place where I live in a gorgeous mansion compared to what I what I would live in there......stay a few lbs lighter than I would if I lived there ( I'm too much of a foodie and would have no restaint) and Im thrilled to bring home my 30 percent of Gucci shoes I bought at bergdorf and display them in my massive closet (compared to NYC) to wear in a town where most people dont know what Gucci is....I do...and thats all that matters.....But I LOVE A GOOD TRIP to the apple and we are blessed to go often and have some great friends there. This was an extra special trip....because it was a gift from mom and dad....we are financial clients of dad....she makes sure we are doing thingsright so one day we can travel more! But , Dad asked us to go just a few days before the trip. My in laws were chomping at the bit to take off we went! Chattanooga to Cinci to NYC!!! Arriving we were introduced to Victor our drive for the always travels this way...J and I...well no...we are too hey it was fun to crawl into a long black yukon whenever we needed to go somewhere and not spend a penny on cabs. It was fun to pretend you are a rockstar. When we arrived at The St. Regis ( our most fave hotel in nyc....old school nyc glamour....) we were greeted by a staff who knows my father very well...then taken to the 7th floor where we always stay to see our good friend and never failing butler Nestor...a neat guy with a heart to serve and is chalk full of "star stories" fact Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne had stayed in our room the week before...which I found sort of gross....isnt he like the "king of darkness" was all better when i was greeted by gorgeous flowers my sweet husband had waiting for me in the room....he never misses thing....then off we, eating, shows, more eating, more shopping and fun with our city friends. Dinner in Queens one night with good Argentina people....dinner in a cool apartment with our fun Brazilian and Italian was pure joy....or as J kept saying "Im up to my eyeballs in culture...and I love it!" It was a perfect trip with mom and dad full of wonder and excitment....a very cool time in my life as I know I will be down for the count after this baby boy enters the world...cept we are already started planning what we will be doing when we go back in Dec!!! Who wants to go with us????
Saturday, April 4, 2009

caroline at the kids table with Kensley and Jordyn...she loves hanging with the big girls!

The birthday Boy!!!

Exploring Jordyns Room!! So much cool stuff!

Sweet baby girl at the Dallas Aboretum for the tulips and daffodils~

Well its been a fun few weeks! Our little family is feeling the buzz of Spring and I am so excited about it! Its a fun season for baby on the way, new house almost finished and just so much going on and we are enjoying every second of it! Im trying to fit in my "life with one child" events before there are two precious angels under my care. So, on a whim Caroline and I headed to Dallas for a week to hang out with some friends. I have this great friend named Kendal Jenne....she is a Dallas most of you know I am a Houston girl we never knew each other till we both married into Cleveland Men! So on those homesick days we have those I miss this and that about Texas....the mexican food, the shopping the nice weather in the know just that stuff you called home for so long it will always be part of you. Her parents opened there home to Caroline and I and we had a ball. The Hargrave family live in the Park Cities which is known for its parks...there are tons of them and they are gorgeous! We went to one or two different ones a was so nice....its amazing what sort of ammenities to get when you pay those huge big city taxes. We returned from Dallas just in time to attend Jackson Hall's 1st birthday! It was so sweet that kid is a doll....Caroline dressed up for the party and really wanted to do everything the big girls do...its really cute she prefers the older children. She was totally into playing in the bedroom with the big girls room with the door freaked me out a bit...but I probably need to get used to it.
Saturday, March 14, 2009

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