Harris Jenne about to blow his candles out...ummm...caroline was sitting in my lap during this picture..she was quite frusterated that he didnt know how to blow the candles out...I had to restrain her from getting bossy!!!
This is one of Caroline's best friends and I adore her too...she and caroline look alot alike but are pretty different...hger mommy is Luanne..one of my dearest friends. I think Caroline and Keliamme will be great friends one day like us....right now they are the same height....but not for long....it will be like Lu and I "Mutt and Jeff"...lu is teeny tiney.....i love it!!
Kendal was not wanting the children to go upstairs during the party and I dont blame her, the first floor was being terrorized....hello she has a four month old too..who wants more to clean? But Caroline insisted and I mean through a good fit until she got her way! Ahhhh it was so frusterating. Jonathan had a meeting in Knoxville during the party so I was on my own! Normally I would not let her get her way....but I had no energy left...so we got to be the "special ones" and go upstairs to Harris's play room. Here she is sitting in one of his cool Ikea bubble seats!