K....so we had the most fantastic playgroup with all of Caroline's friends! We have a ball we meet on Thursdays at different people's houses! The hosts provides lunch and the babies play till they are so tired that by the time we get home they take the most glorious three hour nap! So its fun...we have theme parties....Halloween, Christmas...this year one of the mom's Becca....hosted a Wee Little New Years Party on New Year Eve Day...the babies came at 11am and we counted down till noon! It was so cute....hats and and blowers and all!! These are some of the pics of these babies wired up on Sugar...the one above is of my precious Caroline and Brown Harbison....I know it looks as though Caroline is attackign him...but believe me it was the other way around....these two have an affinity for one another! He loves her ! He grabbed her just a min after noon gave her a new years kiss and basically body slammed her.....she wasnt all that happy about it...but its a good story for when they are big!!

This pic cracked me up...we were attempting to get them to pose....but you know that never happens...just look at the setting....brown attacking Corbin, Caroline and her monkey, poor little AHJ the host falling over and baby Jackson looking delerious!!

My child goes to peoples house picks a toy she loves and does not want to share...this was they toy of the day....it caused many problems and tears for all! She WOULD NOT get off of it...eventually I had to pry her off and leave the room so other children could enjoys AJ's new fire engine!! This new baby is coming just in time! WE need to learn to share!

Caroline and Brown sporting their brown New Years outfits!!

Caroline and Ryan sitting pretty!