Hanigng out by the Christmas Tree...she could never resists it....I cant recall the amount of times I said, " No touch the tree".... this Dec!!

Doll face

We took a four day trip to NYC with a few of your really good friends...the Norton's and the Lambets! It was a total blast filled with great events and fantastic food! Thank God I was feeling good this weekend....I wasnt sure how I was going to do three months preggers....but God was good to me and so was my naseous meds!!!! This pics is out group after dinner at our fave Italian Place in NYC called Il Coroso...we are friends with the owners and the food (being the foodies we are) is uncomparable to any Italian you have ever had!!!

One of my college roomies and I at Il Coroso she and her hubby live in NYC it was great to see them!

The three ladies of NYC!!
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