Thursday, May 7, 2009

Woa.....its way too early on a Thursday morning for me to be up....Cant help son that is in utero is kicking away and reminding me that in 8 short weeks he will be and up when he wants to. I said last time I was preggers this is God's way of getting your body ready for no sleep. But, the good news is....I feel fantastic! This little guy has been so much easier on me than Caroline Sophia was. So, I'm good to go and stoked about meeting Caldwell MaGee Cantrell.
So the Cantrell Fam is doing wel...BUSY BUSY BUSY!!! Last night my husband came home from a meeting around 9pm he found me laying in our bed with our almost 2 year old....she was rolling around laughing like she is not the least bit tired and I was bawling my eyes out.....I really dont know what wrong with me......I mean seriously what do I have to be sad about....I have a gorgeous little girl, a son on the way, my dream man, I'm about to move into my dream home...its a pretty cool time in my life and I cry all the time. Well, I asked God to show me and He reminded me of my hormones. Pregnancy does crazy things to your I'll take that . On the other hand I am totally overwhelmed with project (and they are all my own fault). First the new house which is a big deal.....lots of things to pick out as we get closer to the end.....I love it but you want to be certain you are making the right decisions. So, each day I do something that gets me closer to the dream home..ha! I always said I love to entertain and throw parties...well I like to plan one at a time not more than one....well Monday I am in charge of the Junior Aux spring party for 100, servers, flowers, linens, entertainment the whole shabang, then I move to my good girlfriend Jess Stone's bridal luncheon on Lookout Mt. at our Club Fairyland......once again the whole shabang....then there is a shower for me at the Thompsons, then a china and tools shower for our friends Courtney and charge of the whole thing....then bless heart my child will be two and I only did a family party last year and promised myself I would do a great party this year.....I just dont know if I have the energy??? Will she remember that she got another family party with only a few gifts? Is that so bad of me to put all the other people ahead of my angel? Not sure what I am going to to do? Suggestions anyone?
So my builder Greg Calfee (who is fab by the way) says the house will be fininshed the last week of June...conveinant huh....they same week Caldwell will make his entrance into the world? Yeah...pretty sure the new house will stay empty till I can get my energy back to move it. But, its turing out GORGEOUS and I feel really blessed and cant wait to live there.
April was a fun month with easter egg hunts, the cotillion spring dinner , a fab bunko baby shower and a mother daughter spa trip to ATL with Luanne and Molly and our was a full month....Ive been trying to enjoy my little trips away...they are few and far between when you are nursing a I'm taking them all now!
Going to post some pics of the pasts months of events....sorry its been a while bloggers.....facebook gets me sidetracked and I wont event think about going towards twittering.....cant go there Ill get obessesed! love all of you...want to hear from some of you!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

SARAH love! You are one busy woman...I just want to know how special you are! You are going to be the best Momma ever to Caldwell and Caroline...Caroline adores you now and Caldwell will love you just as much! Just remember when things get crazy Who brought us in to this world and why we are glorify Him! You have the sweetest hubby who loves you so much and is such a blessing... I have one of those too! ;-)Love the new pics and now that I am working 4 days a week we are totally blocking a day off to catch up and I will come to you cause I know you are crazy!!! Call you very soon! Love ya! Lindsay